Find Joy in Every Moment.

Children Everyday Stories

Remember the joy of wonder, of holding hands with little ones

She jumped out of the car and greeted me with absolute sunshine and joy. I haven’t seen her since she was a tiny baby, so there’s no way she remembers me, but this greeting reminds me that she was a lovey from the start. She used to grin at me like we were best friends, and her dimples were once again charming me all these years later. Well, something like 3.5 years. Maybe. All I know is this little lady grew right on up and speaks and has ideas and her love language seems to be touch.

For privacy, of course, I can’t share her face, but her mama told me I could share the hand-holding. This little one just exudes love, and she left the frame — her photo spot — multiple times to hug me. I couldn’t stop beaming. Children are so pure, and even when they aren’t the “hugging me” type (aka her little brother), they are still so incredibly amazing and honest and pure, and I love it so much!

I hope this week that you get to hold a small child’s hand, to see them look at you with joy and love, to listen as they ask all the important questions (Can I pet your dog? Can I see the picture? Can I come over to your house again?) and tell you all the important things (I’m four! I like pink! I’m having fun!) and show you how they can dance or twirl or sing or dig in the dirt.

And maybe you too will remember the joy of wonder. Stay curious, my friends.

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