Special Offer: Seeking TWO Colorado Springs Mamas

Are you a mama of littles who wants to learn how to capture their everyday life better? Do you like documenting your family story but feel like you’re just taking snapshots when you really want to tell the story better? Do you just point your camera and hope for the best, and then you’re disappointed not to capture what you see with your eyes? I can help!

Love Your Everyday Life by AGK Photography seeks two Colorado Springs area mamas* to work with one-on-one to coach through our “Love Your Everyday Life” documenting life offer and to get behind-the-scenes and in-action videos and photos for promotional needs.

*Seeking mamas of small children only for this offer. Should reside in or around Colorado Springs (Monument, Woodland Park, Black Forest, Fountain). Mamas should be available for coaching to take place in late February or March 2024. Additionally, this offer is for anyone who has not previously received a gift or practice service from AGK Photography.


What You Get

  • 2-4 hours of one-on-one hands-on photography AND storytelling coaching and education in your home (note: we will not be going over all the technicals in photography — basics only)
  • 2 follow-up Zoom meetings to discuss the work you’ve done on your own
  • Any photos and videos taken by me (Angela) of you and your family during the time I spend with you

What I Get

  • Hands-on practice for this new area of my business
  • Behind-the-scenes videos and photos for promotion
  • Your feedback to help me help clients better (what you liked, what wasn’t helpful, etc.)
  • Time with you and your family!

Who Am I?

I am Angela, a lifelong storyteller. I have been writing and taking photos and communicating through stories almost all my life. I fell in love with photography long ago, taking lots of random photos with Polaroid and 110 cameras. I wrote my first stories when I was very young. And I have always looked at everyday moments with wonder. I see the world through rose-colored glasses, sure, but also through all the colors, and the way children say things a certain way, and how the sun rises and crosses the room, just barely touching the tippy-toes of the fur baby who always sleeps in these days, her head resting just so. I see poetry in what others miss. And I have worked all my life to chase the light, because life already has enough darkness.

Why You Want This!

You’ve been wanting to take better pictures, to learn how to capture the shadows as they cross your baby’s tiny features, to get the shot without losing your mind trying to get your tiny human to “cooperate,” to fill your albums and cover your walls with images you take yourself because who can hire a professional photographer multiple times a year, much less every day?! You want this because you too see the world in poetry but you haven’t quite found the time to figure out for yourself how to capture the magic for your own story. Finally, you want this because doggone it, you just want it!

Interested? Sign Up Below!